
Not lost but found

Links Flipper Zero. I am afraid I might need this some time in the future. For reasons, obviously. A Game Boy Apple TV Remote

Currently reading

Brushing up on some Systems thinking: Senge - The Fifth Discipline & Fieldbook Meadows - Thinking in Systems Some personal development stuff: 7 Habits of highly effective people And something potentially depressing because a pandemic is not enough: Gates - How to avoid a climate disaster At least that what has been added to the constantly growing pile of shame. Although my determination to actually get to reading them is steadyily growing.

Playstation repairs

The PS4 I recently bought is about as quiet as a jet engine after a while. So I repaired it. And by “repair” I mean I opened it, cleaned it (tbh I expected way more dust inside, things weren’t that bad), put on new thermal paste (the guy/girl in the Foxconn plant putting on the original one clearly must have been blind), and put it back together. Behold: No leftover screws.
The Little Book of Stoicism

The Little Book of Stoicism

Just finished “The Little Book of Stoicism” yesterday. A nice introduction. The focus clearly lies on the 55 practices. Could use more practical (modern) examples, but that would probably be a separate book.
The Power to Compete

The Power to Compete

Recently read “The Power to Compete”. It left me underwhelmed. Certainly a couple of good ideas but I do not concur with everything. Some things I just found too radically liberal and while I wonder where things might lead I am also a bit concerned by the proposed radical deregulation.

Uncharted 4

A bit late to the party, but recently I bought a used PS4 for around 130€. I did not pay much attention but it seems to be an original release, i.e. non-slim, non-pro version. Which probably explains why it sounds not dissimilar to a jet engine. Also, the left trigger is broken, which seems to be a common issue. However, the price was unbeatable and the trigger seems to be fixable for around 2€ in spare parts.

A history of personal productivity

“The Rise and Fall of Getting Things Done” - Article in The New Yorker by Cal Newport on Productivity. Found via Julian Simpsons Infodump Newsletter. Interesting, I used to follow Merlin Mann’s blog for a while, like 10 years ago. Always wondered what happened to it. Interesting stuff in the article, very relevant.