

Casa Battlo PXL_20211210_143459978~2 20200905-20200905_160606 2020-08-10_160548 2020-08-05_101353 2020-08-05_095754 2020-04-18_132130 2020-04-18_122851 2020-02-15_003021 2020-02-15_002804 2020-02-14_204331 2020-02-13_193810 2020-02-13_193535 2020-02-09_005416 2020-02-08_215112 2020-02-08_200543 2020-02-08_181501 2019-10-16_123740 2019-10-14_140231 2019-10-14_135356 2019-08-17_125024 2019-07-20_140553 2019-06-08_120421 2019-01-27_100234 2019-01-27_094139 2019-01-25_160349 2019-01-25_104528 2019-01-24_133517 2019-01-23_173152 2019-01-21_175812 20190121-P1210036 2018-12-26_071005 2018-12-26_061724 2018-12-20_071019 2018-08-07_120530 2018-08-06_114634 2018-08-05_231823 2018-08-05_231815-001 2018-08-05_231815 2018-08-04_153249 2018-08-03_213849 2018-08-03_130802 2017-02-16_072004 2017-02-16_064938 2017-02-16_062759 2017-02-16_055630 2017-01-12_064100 2017-01-12_063603 2017-01-12_063534 2017-01-12_063143 2017-01-12_060826 2017-01-12_060521 2017-01-12_060203 2017-01-12_055515 2017-01-08_102037 2017-01-08_080307 2017-01-08_074310 2017-01-08_074231 2016-02-18_193947 2016-02-15_133850 2016-02-15_125429 2016-02-15_114325 2016-02-13_121101 2015-12-09_181404 2015-12-08_111711 2015-12-07_112237 2015-12-07_111838 2015-12-07_111243


Current Interests Retro Gaming Work (OKRs)


2023-03 Blogging Workflow Test Ressources on Stoicism 2022-02 Storytelling with Data 2022-01 Range - Why generalists triumph in a specialized world 2021-09 Recent reads 2021-08 Thinking in systems Recent reads No more champagne How to avoid a climate disaster 2021-04 Not lost but found 2021-03 Currently reading 2020-12 Seen, read and played 2020 Digital Minimalism Playstation repairs The Little Book of Stoicism 2020-11 Uncharted 4 The Power to Compete A history of personal productivity Timmelsjoch On Fortune 2020-06 11June20 0001-01


This site Uses Mainroad as its main theme Integrates the excellent Photo-Grid as well as Hugo Easy Gallery. Both of which i clumsily adapted to play nicely with the main theme. I tinkered around with some other bits and pieces of the theme, but nothing too fancy. Hugo Hugo is a static site engine written in Go. It makes use of a variety of open source projects including: Cobra Viper J Walter Weatherman Cast Learn more and contribute on GitHub.